Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Spin on an Ornament Centerpiece

To kick off the holiday season, I'm hosting a table at my church's Women's Christmas Dinner and I needed a festive but inexpensive centerpiece as my table's focal point. I went with a gold color scheme after I found this amazing gold burlap at the Joanns so wanted to incorporate it into the idea. I've seen so many ideas using ornaments so I just tied the two concepts together! 

This is what I used to create my centerpiece: 
Apothecary jar, leftover strip of burlap and 
shatterproof ornaments

I wanted to add some texture to the overall look so I created a ruffle using the strip of burlap. The strip I had was about 3 inches wide and maybe 30" long. To create the ruffle, I just found a strand along the center and gently pulled. Clearly I'm off center but those gold dots were impossible to deal with and I liked that it wasn't so symmetrical. 

As you are GENTLY pulling the strand, move the material to spread out the ruffling that you are creating and to help avoid any breaks in the burlap strand. 

Once you have completed a portion of the ruffle, identify the opposite end of the burlap strand and pull it out from the other end. I neglected to think of this beforehand so the end of the ruffle  isn't much of a ruffle at all... =) Keep moving along the burlap until finish the strand and complete your ruffle. 

I didn't take pictures as I constructed the actual centerpiece since it was a bit of a juggling act but all I did was layer the balls as I spiraled the burlap ruffle around the jar. I placed 4 balls in first and then tucked in the ruffle to secure it. Then I continued to put in more balls and wound the burlap around the jar until I reached the top. Simple enough! Quick, easy and inexpensive but provided me with the sparkle and appeal that I wanted for my centerpiece. 

I'll be sure to follow up with an overview of my completed table from the Holiday Dinner soon! 

Sunday, November 25, 2012


After much talk, skepticism and procrastination, I finally just took a leap and started my first blog!
I am cautiously optimistic about this new venture but really hope that I can turn this into a resource to collect my thoughts and ideas when it comes to my life. And if all goes well, I would love to extend my reach to encourage and inspire readers to add some more beauty, fun or creativity into their lives.
“Creativity is contagious, pass it on” – Albert Einstein