Saturday, December 1, 2012

It's Officially the Holiday Season!

I absolutely LOVE the holiday season! The smell of cinnamon and pine trees, bright lights, holiday decorating, wrapping paper, baking, gift giving... I could go on and on...

With the holiday season also comes traditions that families continue or start to add excitement and memories to this special time of year. My husband and I haven't started any new ones yet since its still just the two of us but I am thankful that some traditions from my side of the family have continued.

The most memorable tradition would be our annual visit to the American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco to see The Christmas Carol. The tradition started many years ago when I was a child and my dad would take me to the local theater to see the play. Teenage years halted our trip for awhile but it started up again about 5 years ago.

If you haven't seen this play, I highly recommend it, especially the cast at ACT if you live in the SF Bay Area. The ACT is right in the heart of downtown San Francisco so the day out to see the play always includes dinner, shopping and a trip to the Union Square Christmas tree. The play truly is the best story about family, friends and the holiday spirit of giving to others. For me, it is the perfect way to kick of the holiday season with my family and it's a great reminder about what this time of year is really about.

Whatever traditions you and your family have, I hope that they are as memorable as the ones I have with my family.

Happy Holidays!

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