Sunday, March 9, 2014

My Pregnancy

Here's a quick overview of my wonderful pregnancy last year!
Conceived in March =) 
Baby Fisher due December 18th, 2013

Our fun gender reveal!

We had our ultrasound tech write the gender on a card rather than telling us while we were in the doctor's office. Then I had my sister-in-law poke holes in the colored balloon that represented the wrong gender for the baby. My husband and I then shared the news of our little one's gender in a photo booth.

I was so blessed to have a healthy and stress-free pregnancy. Our little one was strong and healthy from the start and she made my experience the absolute best. YES, I gain weight, had crazy dreams, terrible sleep, constant lower back pain, and swollen feet but overall, I loved being pregnant. Being able to feel my baby girl grow inside me was the most remarkable experience. 

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