Monday, March 18, 2013

My Craft Room Accent Wall!

I can finally unveil my finished accent wall in the craft room!

Since my husband and I are on a tight budget, I've turned to paint as a way to add personality and decor all in one. With my craft room remodel, I had to add some creativity to one of the walls. To add my personal touch, I decided to doodle on the wall a simple design that I tend to draw all the time. =) 

Here's where I started:

For my paint, I just went with an off white color. Valspar Delicate White
I also bought the Valspar Paint Crystals after reading about it on Pinterest, of course. I mixed about 1 pint to roughly 1-2 tablespoons of the paint crystals. As the directions suggest, mix the crystals in gradually so they don't clump in the paint. 

Then, I used chalk to draw out my design.

Then I painted...
               and painted...
                               and painted.

It really wasn't that bad... but I am a perfectionist and question just about every line before I add it. 
I also painted 2 coats to make sure the purple didn't come through and 
to guarantee that I'd get enough sparkle. Once the paint dries, the chalk can simply be wiped with a damp towel. 

Here's the final product!
I know its a bit dramatic but it's perfect and I love it.
The room is now truly my personal sanctuary and crafting headquarters! 

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