Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Simple Pegboard Upgrade

With my craft room remodel in full force, one area that I hadn't given much consideration to was all the little bits and pieces that I would need storage for. I really want to keep the table top free of clutter. All of the big elements came naturally but staying organized is a lifelong battle for me so I'm determined to start off in the right direction. 
The more I plan the better organized I can be...hopefully. 

So the crafty light bulb went on when I was browsing my local Freecycle site and saw a FREE pegboard was posted. Free and a pegboard?! My problems were resolving themselves! So I picked up the pegboard, which ended up being HUGE and requiring hubby and I to snap it in half to fit it in our dinky Focus. However, the two pieces I was left with were still about 4'x4', more than enough for what I had I mind and extra for hubby to use in his 
man cave/garage :) 

Now everything that goes into my craft room has to charming and beautiful, of course, so I set out to find a pretty and inexpensive way to jazz up the simple board. I thought about framing it with crown molding but the thought of purchasing it, cutting it and painting it seemed like too much work so thankfully my hubby came up with a brilliant substitute!

The previous owners of my house left behind all kinds of random home decor items, which included this frame. 

I cut open the back and pulled away the staples which allowed me to remove all of the layers of paper and the glass. I then used a piece of the removed paper to measure the exact size to cut the pegboard. After the board was cut, I used some extra paint from my wall doodle to prime the board and then add some sparkle. 

Finally, with the board dried, I slipped the freshly painted board into the old frame, repositioned the original staples. Just like that, an amazing pegboard that cost me NOTHING to make!! I did spend about $5 on more pegboard supplies but FREE is just so much more exactly so I'm sticking to that. :)

I hope you can find some inspiration to help you with your space! And if you aren't plugged into your community's Freecycle page, I highly recommend it as a great way to find some great FREE resources for repurposing and to help us keep good items out of our landfills. 

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